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Experiences Permanent Job

Are you following your heart to Greece? 🧡

Last update: 12 July, 2024  ◦  7 March, 2024 by Photo from Lisa Lisa  ◦  3 minutes reading time
Experience in Greece

“You must be crazy! That's what people around me thought when they heard my idea of permanently moving to Greece.” In this blog, you can read about the experience of one of our candidates who has relocated to Greece while working remotely through Yobbers.

“You must be out of your mind!” That's what the people around me thought when they heard my idea of permanently moving to Greece. My love for Greece blossomed after a friend took me on vacation. Not one, not two, but six vacations to different islands followed. Sometimes for a short time, sometimes for a bit longer. At times, I worked in a shop or a restaurant to sustain myself. I sensed that this was the place where I am happiest.

In hindsight, I find it quite brave of myself to have done this, as it's actually quite a bizarre story.

Moving to Greece thanks to Yobbers

That's why the urge to move permanently to Greece kept gnawing at me. I wanted to ensure a job and income, so I created a profile on Yobbers and scheduled a call for more information. An enthusiastic recruiter explained everything to me in detail, how the application process would unfold, and what I needed to arrange. I'm not the youngest anymore, and I didn't work behind a computer every day, so I was a bit uncertain about that. Fortunately, Yobbers provided excellent guidance. They take care of you, and they are very accommodating. It's remarkable that I feel like I know the recruiter well, even though we've never met. That gives a sense of trust.

The last time I went to Greece, I arranged accommodation through a car rental company. I thought, the owner surely knows the whole island. He said I could come for coffee in the afternoon, and indeed, in the afternoon, a homeowner showed up who could rent me accommodation. Life is so simple here, no obligations, lots of nature; it seems like time sometimes stands still, and I love that. I also rescued five dogs, of which I kept one. Currently, I have rented a house through a website that was recommended by the recruiters at Yobbers. 

The simple life

I deliberately chose to live on a very quiet island. Sometimes, you don't encounter anyone in the winter, and I find that so delightful! Not having to do anything at all, and no one expecting anything from you. Lovely, isn't it? You live very differently, and more in touch with nature. For me, it's more than enough to be outdoors with my dog often - life doesn't have to be so complicated.

I had never heard of the island Kyros but had applied to various houses through the website. This homeowner sent me a message that she had a little house available, and just like that, it happened. It's a small house with the sea on three sides – that's all I need and I feel at home here! In hindsight, I find it quite brave of myself to have done this because, actually, it's quite a bizarre story.

An experience to share

My surroundings, friends, and family found and still find my plan to leave everything behind in the Netherlands and move to Greece to be an absurd idea. My children, meanwhile, are somewhat used to me, so they supported my decision to go for it. They will visit soon, and I love the idea that I can share my experience with my grandchildren. I hope they sense that life here is very different from the Netherlands, with less pressure and more connection to oneself, nature, and the surroundings.

I enjoy my work. I was given the time and space to take a little longer with the training, as I'm not very computer-savvy. It was a clear training, and I know exactly where to go (online) for questions or help.

My advice for you

Throughout the entire process, I didn't listen to others but followed my own feelings and heart. That's also the advice I would give to anyone thinking about taking this step—follow your heart. Only you know what's right for yourself, and ultimately, everything falls into place.

Do you want something completely different too? Check out our job opportunities abroad, and who knows, you might soon be working and living by the Mediterranean Sea!