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Experiences Permanent Job

From cheese 🇳🇱 to paella 🇪🇸: Lotte & Tijn's journey

Last update: 22 July, 2024  ◦  19 March, 2024 by Photo from Lisa Lisa  ◦  2 minutes reading time
Biking in Valencia

Picture this: six months ago, we found ourselves pondering a simple yet profound question: "por qué no?" (why not?) Following that spark of curiosity, we embarked on a whirlwind adventure together, bidding farewell to our cozy life in Amsterdam and setting our sights on the vibrant city of Valencia. 🇪🇸

How it started

For five years, we called Amsterdam our home, but deep down, we wanted something more - a life filled with adventure, growth, and endless possibilities. We longed to break free from life’s routine and explore the world beyond our own comfort zone. Looking for a change, we stumbled upon Yobbers and it caught our eyes immediately! I (Lotte), now being one of Yobbers’ recruiters and relocation experts, saw the vacancy for a recruiter in Valencia and immediately decided to send in an application to work abroad

From the moment we contacted Yobbers, we found ourselves supported at every twist and turn. Whether it was navigating the application process or seeking clarification on job details, we received fast assistance from dedicated recruiters who ensured no question went unanswered.

“If I ever had questions about the application process, I could just make a call, and they were always happy to help, no matter how small the question.” - Tijn 

A new life

Life before our big move was comfortable, but predictable - consumed by the hustle and bustle of everyday routines. But wanting to broaden our horizon completely, we stepped out of our comfort zone. And we are so glad that we did! 

Do we regret moving abroad to Spain? Not one bit! Sure, there have been moments of doubt and homesickness along the way, but every challenge has only made our journey richer and more rewarding. We’ve made new friends, created unforgettable memories, and embraced a sense of freedom we never knew was possible. If you need a few tips on how you can do the same, check out Yobbers’ blog on how to create your home away from home. 

“We wanted something more - a life filled with adventure, growth, and endless possibilities.” - Lotte

Our advice to you? 

Don’t think about it too much, just go! You’ll see where you end up, I wish I could go back and tell myself that it would all work out for us and to not have any doubts about it. Stress less because you never know what a situation will fully look like until you live it!

Do you want to step out of your comfort zone and move abroad just like Lotte & Tijn did? Don’t wait any longer! Explore all our vacancies and embark on your new adventure soon! 🧡