Joelle in Valencia: “I don't regret moving abroad one bit!”

In this blog, you'll read all about Joelle's experience. She moved from Germany to Valencia to work as Customer Service Agent at weWow for Otrium. How did her application process at Yobbers go? How is life in Valencia? Find out in this blog!
Going abroad via Yobbers
I would definitely recommend Yobbers because it was incredibly easy to move abroad with them. They really take your hand and explain everything to you, step by step. Along the way you can ask any question, so it's super reassuring!
Actually, because everything was so simple, I always knew what to do next. I knew where to apply, and especially when I knew for sure it was going to be Valencia, I received great support in the process of finding an apartment and getting myself settled. A little all-in-one package to start off on the right foot!
A scary adventure? Nope!
To be honest, I wasn't scared at all to move abroad! Of course, I had a few concerns like how would I make friends, or how would I handle all the paperwork? But in the end, I received a lot of support from Yobbers and didn’t have to be concerned alone. You just have to take the first step, and once you're abroad, it all falls into place naturally!
“The first step is always the hardest. Once you're there, everything falls into place.”
I never thought I'd get homesick because whenever I was traveling, I always thought, "whoooo, yeah, living the life!". But when you live abroad for the long-term, it's natural that you have to come up with new habits. On Sundays when I'd usually go to my family's for cake I now had to find my local 'family' to eat cake with on Sundays; my new friends! That's also the best way to overcome homesickness, by finding your own little family, filled with friends here. I think friends are simply the best thing you can have.
The first step is always the hardest. Once you're there, everything falls into place. There are many people in the same situation. Many are emigrating, so making friends can happen very quickly!
Friends from all over the world
Meeting people is actually not a problem at all. Sometimes you can just sit down in the park and start chatting away, or playing volleyball at the beach with random people, there are so many opportunities. The longer you're living abroad, the nicer it gets, and the closer your friends become.
I've met a lot of new people from different cultures because my colleagues are super international. That means I'm not only learning about the local culture, but also about all sorts of other cultures. I'm learning a lot of new languages, not just Spanish, but also Dutch and a bit of Italian on the side. I have a super international circle of friends because of that, and it's always interesting to see how other cultures live and how other people grew up; you can learn a lot from that.
My tip for you
Just do it! It's really not difficult, especially with Yobbers by your side. You'll find friends, you'll lead a pretty cool life, and it's always a good step. Even if you don't find it as cool as you thought it would be, you can always go back.
“I don't regret moving abroad one bit. I just feel with every cell in my body that it was the right decision for me.”
Would I ever move back to Germany? Not right now! I absolutely love it in Spain, with the sun shining so much, and Germany feels a bit grey and cold to me. People here are also very open, and that's just the energy I need more of in my life right now. I don't regret moving abroad one bit. I just feel with every cell in my body that it was the right decision for me. I feel so much better since I've been here.
Got inspired by reading Joelle’s experience in Valencia? Take the leap and go work abroad!
experience living abroad working abroad Spain living in Spain working in Spain living in Valencia Valencia working in Valencia