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The experiences of our Yobbers team in Valencia!

Last update: 29 February, 2024  ◦  25 May, 2023 by Photo from Celeste Celeste  ◦  4 minutes reading time
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Besides having an office in Leeuwarden, Yobbers also has an office in sunny Valencia! ☀️ In this blog, you'll read more about the experiences of some of our colleagues here.

Why Valencia?

All of our Yobbers colleagues agree: Valencia is an amazing city to live in. It's an international city with a young and vibrant atmosphere, close to the beach, and filled with the best spots to eat, drink, and enjoy life. You're guaranteed to feel at home soon! Our recruiter Gabriela says, "Valencia attracted me because this city has everything to offer, from the beach and an amazing city center to plenty of job opportunities for foreigners. Additionally, it was important for me that it's easy to escape the city and explore the nature in the surroundings of Valencia."

Daan, our finance expert at Yobbers, lived in Barcelona for two years before moving to Valencia: "For me, Valencia is exactly where I feel at home, a vibrant international city in Spain. It's a big city, but when you're, for example, exercising in Turia Park, you hardly notice it." However, the size of the city was an adjustment for some of our colleagues, like Melissa (recruiter), who comes from a smaller village herself.

How did your lifestyle change?

Living and working abroad gives you the opportunity to learn about a new culture and experience a different lifestyle. Our Yobbers team believes that you appreciate the little things in life more. "The sun, taking a walk after work, weekends at the beach, exploring the city..." says Lisa (recruiter). You experience different things every day, and things here are more spontaneous, which improves the work-life balance. "Life is more relaxed. I now realise that I get irritated easily by small things back home. Here, I look out the window and see the sun shining almost every day. Just the sun alone makes you think about all the things you can do after work. You spend more time outdoors, you feel more relaxed and energised." Melissa completely agrees and has an even more social life than she had in Germany: "There's always something to do here!"

Both Daan and Gabriela mention that their lifestyle has changed primarily because they now live more in the moment: "In the Netherlands, I got used to sending out date planners and making plans for weeks or even months ahead. In Spain, I've learned to live more in the present."

The climate definitely plays a big role in this as well. Thanks to the good weather, you can easily make spontaneous plans outside! Does this way of life appeal to you too? Take a look at our job vacancies in Spain and embark on a life without date planners. 😉☀️

What was the biggest challenge and what have you learned so far?

When you work abroad, you face many new challenges, but you also learn a great deal from them. For Milena (recruiter), the main challenge was getting to know locals and to not let the many tourists cloud her view of the city. "Learning Spanish helps a lot with this!"

Gabriela, on the other hand, is someone who likes things to be well organised from the start. Her biggest challenge was "Letting things unfold and not wanting to have everything perfectly arranged. This was especially challenging when it came to finding an apartment and organising other necessities. Personally, I wanted everything sorted out right away, but I've learned that it's okay if everything isn't immediately set in place."

What is your favourite place in Valencia?

Gabriela: "Plaza de la Reina! There's always something happening here. During weekends, I often sit here, enjoying the sun or reading a book. I feel great here and get that true Spanish feeling."

Melissa: "I can't name just one specific place, but I love all the charming streets in El Carmen and the beach!"

Daan: "For sports, definitely Turia Park! To relax, the beach. For a picturesque view, Port Saplaya. And finally, for a good party, Marina Beach Club!"

Milena: "I especially enjoy walking or cycling around Turia Park. Additionally, I find the square near Centro Cultural La Nau and the museum there to be very calming."

Lisa: "In Valencia itself, I love being in Jardines del Real and exploring the vintage streets of Ruzafa. I also enjoy discovering the beautiful beaches nearby in the south of Spain! And did you know you can even go skiing just 1.5 hours away from Valencia?!"

Due to the Spanish culture, you learn to appreciate the smallest things in life, you get to enjoy sunny weather all year round, and you get to live in a city that offers everything. Even though the salary in Spain is lower than in Northern European countries, it's completely worth it when it comes to the quality of life. "Life is also so much cheaper here, and you get so much in return. You can dine out for about half of what you would pay elsewhere. And on top of that, you can enjoy that same meal in one of the coolest restaurants you've ever seen."

Our Yobbers team agrees that living abroad and working in Valencia is an unforgettable experience that they wouldn't want to miss! Do you also want to experience what it's like to live in Valencia? Check out all our job vacancies in Spain and start your own adventure soon! 🇪🇸