Inspiration Travel inspiration

How to capture your precious memories in a travel journal with souvenirs! 🐚

Last update: 4 January, 2024  ◦  14 November, 2022 by Photo from Giovanna Giovanna  ◦  3 minutes reading time
Memories and souvenirs are being added to a travel journal that is laying on a table

Are you looking for a creative method to collect souvenirs? Then keep on reading and get some inspiration for your next adventure abroad!

You are on an adventure abroad, passing by several souvenir shops and can’t resist buying some small souvenirs. When you're back home, the souvenirs end up in a dusty corner of the living room and you completely forget that you bought them in the first place. Recognizable? In this blog, we tell you how to capture your memories with souvenirs in a travel journal, so next time you know which ones deserve space in your suitcase!


One of the most popular souvenirs among tourists is  the postcard! We usually buy them at a local store with international postage stamps and send them to family & friends. But did you know that the first postcard was developed in the 19th century? So sending postcards to each other was even popular back in the days! The next time you're abroad, buy an extra postcard and add it to your travel journal. Or write a message, send it to yourself and give the postcard a nice spot in the notebook when it’s delivered to your home a few days or weeks later.

City maps

Everyone can navigate nowadays via their phone, so the old-fashioned map is no longer relevant. Meanwhile it’s such a fun addition to a travel journal! City maps come in all shapes and sizes, and some cities even have a vending machine where you can get a map for free. Cut the map into smaller sections, use it as a background or add the map folded to your travel journal. This way, you can still open the map and mark, for example the hotspots you visited during your trip. The possibilities are endless!

Stamps & stickers

One of the smallest souvenirs that are collectable is the postage stamp. Every country has their own, which makes this souvenir unique! When the stamp was not invented yet,  the receiver would pay the postage cost to the mail carrier if they wanted to receive a postcard or letter. 📬 Eventually, in 1837 the postage stamp was invented that we still use everyday to send mail. You could also look for small & cute stickers sold at local souvenir stores, but be careful with them. Small stickers and stamps can also end up in the bottom of your backpack, so stick them immediately in your Adventure book to avoid losing them!

Dried leaves & flowers 🌻

You wouldn’t think about it at first glance, but nature also has amazing souvenirs that you can add to your travel journal! Collect small stones and shells or dry flowers and leaves in a notebook during your trip. Once you arrive home, you can add the dried leaves & flowers to the pages that you already filled with memories. Just use a small piece of your favourite washi tape or glue. But be aware of the customs rules if you bring natural souvenirs on the plane or across the border. Sometimes it’s not allowed!

Everyday items

In our first blog about travel journaling we told you that it’s also possible to collect (small) everyday items to capture your memories in a creative way. There are so many types of souvenirs, that not all of them are obvious. Buy for example some fabric from a local store or reuse the paper bags from any other purchase! These are the favourites of the Yobbers team:

1. coins and bills 2. entrance tickets 3. candy wrappers 4. coasters 5. labels from bottles 6. napkins 7. menus 8. flyers 9. receipts 10. tea bags 11. public transportation tickets 12. passport stamps

👉🏻 If you also want to capture your memories in a travel journal with souvenirs, then take a look at our job offers to start an adventure abroad! In the next blogs we will tell you how to capture your travel memories with pictures and we'll end the blog series with how you can relive your favourite winter wonderland moments! ❄️