What’s the worst that can happen?

Living and working abroad is an unforgettable experience, but let's be honest: not everything is sunshine and roses! What if you don't like your job or your flight gets cancelled unexpectedly? Luckily, Yobbers is here to help you overcome these challenges. In the end, what's the worst that can happen?
Not happy with your job
One of the biggest challenges of living and working abroad is realising that the job you've taken doesn't meet your expectations. The work culture or your tasks may be vastly different from what you're used to, or the role may not suit you as well. If that's the case, you can always reach out to Yobbers! We're happy to guide you in potentially switching to another job that better aligns with your skills, interests, and expectations. Remember, you often work 40 hours a week, so your job is an important part of your new life: don't hesitate to take action!
Feeling out of place in your new hometown
Sometimes, the city or country you've moved to may not meet your expectations. The city may be too busy, the climate may not be what you hoped for, or you may struggle to connect with the local population. Good to remember is that all beginnings can be hard and it may take a while to adjust. Take your time, and if you eventually still notice you’re not in the right place, you can always contact us. Yobbers can advise you on different locations and help you find a place that better suits your personal preferences and lifestyle. This way we have relocated our candidates from Bulgaria to Malta before for example.
Troubles finding accommodation
Finding suitable accommodation can be quite challenging, especially if you're unfamiliar with the local real estate market and procedures. The accommodation of Lisa, for example, got cancelled at the last minute: “Sharon and I arranged a really nice apartment in Valencia for our 3 months trip, but just before our flight, we discovered the landlord had cancelled our stay”. However, they stumbled upon a cozy, little room and became the closest friends because of this experience. Luckily this shows also that good things can come out of bad situations! Of course we hope it won’t happen to you, but if there’s anything which doesn't go as planned with your accommodation, Yobbers can always provide you with tips! For example, we collaborate with various housing websites like HousingAnywhere and Homelike. We can also assist you through our contacts with the international employer in finding accommodation.
Cancelled flights/travels
It can happen that your flight or travel plans are cancelled last minute, disrupting your plans and causing stress. Often, your flight is booked by the employer, and you may not know how to resolve the situation on your own. In such cases, feel free to give us a call or send a message, so we can take action and get in touch with the employer to resolve it. This happened to Joris a while ago: at the airport he found out his flight got cancelled! He called Yobbers and our recruiter Isabel spent the rest of her morning arranging a new flight for him together with the employer in Lisbon. With only a few hours of delay, Joris could still go to Portugal that same day! 💪
Not wanting to go back ;)
Anyone who has ever lived abroad - or still does! - has probably thought it at least once: I don't want to go back at all! 🤯 While it may sound a bit strange, this can also be quite a challenge. You may wonder why you don't want to go back, and this could be due to personal growth, new opportunities, or a culture that suits you well. Creating a balance between staying connected with your home country and fully immersing yourself in your new life can help you deal with this unique challenge. What we also see a lot at Yobbers, is that our recruiters can also share their personal experiences with you: you're not alone in this! 🧡
So, what’s the worst that can happen? 🤔 Take the step and go work and live abroad! And remember: the Yobbers team is always there for you! 🙌