Working abroad Tips & tricks

5 tips for packing your suitcase!

Last update: 3 October, 2024  ◦  10 October, 2022 by Photo from Else Else  ◦  3 minutes reading time
Suitcase packing

We've put together five tips, that will make packing your suitcase much easier and let you start your adventure with the peace of mind!

The moment we secretly want to put off as long as possible: packing the suitcases. Where do you start, when do you start, and what should you take or not? In other words, dozens of questions are running through your mind. Especially if you're going to be working abroad for a longer period, it's important to keep an overview. That's why we've put together five tips, especially for you, that will make packing much easier and let you start your adventure with the peace of mind!

Tip 1: Start on time

However clichéd the tip may be, start on time! Especially if you are going abroad for a longer period, it is important not to start too late. Of course, you want to avoid that your suitcase can't be closed anymore, and you have to leave the trousers you bought especially for this adventure at home. Packing your suitcase doesn't have to mean that you actually put your things in your suitcase. You can also start by making a list, but you can read more about that in tip 2.

Tip 2: Work with lists

For the list lovers among us and as an extension of tip 1, here is tip numero dos! It is helpful to make lists to create peace in your mind. This can even be an extensive list. Tip: Make a list on your phone. That way, whenever something comes to mind, you can write it down and won't forget it. It's also handy when you start packing so that you have everything at hand and can check it off when you've packed it in your suitcase.

Tip 3: Leave it at home

"Is this really important to take, or can I buy it over there?" is the first question you can ask yourself when you start packing. Think as often as possible if something really needs to be packed or if you can buy it at your destination. Shower supplies, towels, bedding, and socks are all things that take up a lot of space but are likely to be readily available at your destination. When packing your socks or shampoo with you, tuck them into your shoes or other cavities. That way, it won't take up extra space in your suitcase!

Tip 4: Make copies

Our favourite tip is to make multiple copies of all essential cards and documents. In a hurry, this is sometimes forgotten or left out. If you want to work or study abroad, you often have to arrange or apply for many things. Here, you will be asked for a copy of your identity card or passport. How handy it is to have this immediately at hand! Perhaps a less pleasant reason is to have extra copies in case your cards and documents get lost or stolen. Unfortunately, this happens sometimes, so it's better prepare and pack those additional copies in your suitcase.

Tip 5: Roll up

One person thinks rolling up is fantastic. The other hasn't discovered it yet. You save more space by rolling up your clothes, and your clothes stay wrinkle-free; a win-win situation! There are two ways to roll up your clothes. Way one: fold each garment individually. Or two: lay a row of clothes on each other and then make one big roll. Both methods work equally well, so it's up to you to figure out which way works best for you. And this way, you'll also have a good excuse for your family and friends when they ask why you're going abroad again ;).

Whether you're going to work abroad, these tips will always come in handy. So save them; who knows, you might need them very soon! If we've forgotten a tip we shouldn't have missed, let us know in the reactions below.